Sunday, January 3, 2021


I would call it a great day for a hike. Issa cloudy from 3.45 am. Along the way with my 4 friends, I thanked God for the day. Though I pretty much having anxiety for my health due to the pandemic, but well, I took my faith, if it's not by the grace of God, we wouldn't be cramped together here.

It's around 6 am we're arrived at the first post. The location is behind the grandous Sentul City, and our destination was about 7kms up. And with no expectations, there are cars and people who set the exactly same date with our date to do the hike. Umm...... Okay. There won't be any single conversation with them, I told myself, PLUS they are all strangers, yup it's a plus. So after some preparation, we set off! My friend, Joanika will be the guide!

To be really honest, it is my VERY FIRST doing this 'professional' hiking thing with little professional equipment. I only took my running shoes which later such a bad decision, my waist bag, and pocari sweat. Yup, not fancy at all. hahaha. I also expect it would be a beginner trails y'all, and turned out IT WASN'T. OKay. With my very very very bad exercise habit, it is such a reckless decision I've made. BUT ALSO THE BEST DECISION I'VE TAKE! I would say, a blessing in disguise.

As you guys can see, it wasn't any bit of a beginner trails, huh? I discovered it is also for the Motor Trails and Jeeps or Off Road Experiences. So, the trek was damn bad for an entry level for us 4. But, I couldn't be such a fuss and cried my eyeballs out for us to go back! I don't wanna be a loser! I have to do this, and I kinda enjoyed myself that day. To have all my thoughts work on itself. I also keep mouthing how thankful I am for God already sent this weather for us. No Sun peeking, and windy breeze all day long, a very good friends, good mood, nice scenery along the road, BEST AIR to inhale deeply as many as possible.

there is this camp ground who provided hot drinks & breakfast (FOR FREE) in the morning

I learned about so many things during my way up and my way down. But before I talked about how painful my way down, let's checklist some of the lesson i've learned during the trip: (it may be such a cliche things I'll write down here, but I know now the meaning behind all those words)


2. There will always be miracles, and something you will grateful for, along the rockiest roads. Shift your sight, when you are feeling down, there will always rainbows in every corners.

3. YOUR TIME, IS NOT EVERYONE'S TIME. Take your own pace. Everyone's timing is different. Yet, everyone's blessings are different. There will be someone who will passes you, there will be someone who stays with you, there will be someone who is behind you. But whatever slow or fast, you know, you will get to your goals, little by little.


5. The fog may falls, and your sight will be short, but with carefulness, you know where to steps.

6. Be so much grateful with everyones who stays with you, through ups and downs, through your sorrows and your joys. And those who are waiting for you patiently at the finish line, so they could celebrate it together.

I truly am thankful for my friend, Adeline, for she was at the same pace as me. Hahahaha! I was so slow like a sloth! The most least person, uphills and downhills. So was she that day. Though Adeline going faster than me, but I could always saw her back, and keep telling myself I am not alone in this foggy muddy roads. Also, she doing her own business, and so am I. I only need the companionship, I only need to assure myself I didn't walk alone. It is so much okay for me, if there is no any conversations nor interactions at all.

The greatest part was the way down. Heavy rain poured like about two hours when we're arrived at the Cisadon Village. We took a rest and lunch there, before we started to hike down. Of course the road are much more muddy and slippery, we must took a really careful step. There are more and more people hiked up, also the motorbikes and the off road cars. They worsen the muddy trails. There are Jeeps and Motorbikes who can't climbed up because of the trails condition. I couldn't bring my phone up as I keep looking at my own steps, it is really really scary, plus my legs are all screaming dead >.< Our shoes covered up in muds and soils, making it as slippery as they wanted to be. But, we all made it to the finish line, again! Praise God! How I wish I could photographed how scary the way home trails for you guys, but it is not a wise time to do it. It really is not a beginner track with less professional equipment and experiences.

I couldn't straight my legs up as they are all crying in pain.
before everyone's drained ;P

Thank you for staying with me, until the end!



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