Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Hello, there, guys! How are you? Good? I hope so J

Today I want to talk about me as an introvert. Introverts can be vary on personality. Not every introverts are having a same issue as me. So, I made this based on myself, because I don't want to generalized the others.

So many articles said that introvert is not someone who completely abandoned themselves from the society. Yes! It’s true. We can blend in, just not good as extrovert did. We take actions mostly based on our feelings. So, let’s take a look at my life as being one of them.

I do have small circle of good friends
And I pretty much grateful for that. Though, I don’t have one particular group chats for it, I like to send them random chats or just gossiping about life and stuff. I’m not casually chat them on a daily basis, just when it’s time to say hello to them. Well, yeah, a bit strange, but that’s exactly what I did. I’m also grateful for they are all a low maintenance peeps for they never lower our statuses from friends to acquantainces just like how SIMS did. Ugh!

I do cherish solitude moments
Where I don’t have to interact with people. I ever found myself retreating from a group of conversation and stay distant for a couple of minutes. And I don’t find it was a pity to myself. Or, I love love love going on cinemas by myself and eating alone, having an internal conversation. And yes, I find it was so peaceful, I didn’t feel so alone, because I talked to myself regularly. Not that I have an imaginary friends, and it’s good to talk to yourself. I usually motivate myself.

I love coming home to my ‘private place’
Which is my right hemisphere part of the brain. Oh how I nurture this part of me. When everything goes wrong (at least for me) I switch to be head in the clouds. I like creating visions, that I usually put it to words, for drawing is out of my league. That’s why I love reading  fantasy books, adoring fictional characters, because I’m aware that they’re all can’t hurt me like people always did.

I am not good at small talks
How I hate open up a conversations. I do hate it. But I’m the one who almost do it all the time! I want to know more about them. But that’s not appropriate for someone you just knew. And besides, I also don’t want to get attached at the same time. I don’t like opening up to people or listening to their voluntary stories. Hahaha. It’s a bit complicated, yes, I know. I really don’t know how to make the situation between two people who just met goes along naturally. Especially if they’re also a reserved one. Oh God, can I just gone with the wind right now?

I have two sides self that coming out when it comes to the intersection
It is so hard for me to choose between 2 best options. I am indecisive. My one self told me this. My other self told me that. And sometimes the result is not coming out very good, I often found myself guilty or sorry. For example, I need to choose between two type of foods. Which one will they like? They must be like this one, but I want to give them something they never tried yet. But, will they happy if I give them this? Yeah, that’s complicated. Because when it comes giving someone a present or a souvenir, I believe it needs to be something they love and something they will use it for a long time. I must choose it carefully.

I am not ambitious
That’s why some people see me as a ‘goes where the river flows’ person. I am so full of dreams, but I am too afraid to let my hands reach for the stars. I am too anxious for failure. I am afraid to step out from my bubbles. But when I need to, I will stay behind the line, calculate every possible threats and thinking on how to prevent all of them. When the calculations is well done right, I step out little by little and expect everything in a very careful way. That makes me a well planned one. I don't do sudden  trip. I need to planned everything. Some trivia, we are an observer. The best one in the fields.

I am so emotional
As time goes by, this melancholic part of me growing stronger. I don’t like it though. I could let out a tear just by seeing an animal videos! Or a simple act of love from a drama. I love pretty things. I love sweet simple love movies. I do review my life, or having an epiphany and store it to my journal.

But I do enjoy talking to my extroverts, and taking a lot of new experiences!
I like talking about everything. I like sharing thoughts. I like hearing lovely stories, humors, gossips too. I love being surrounded by people I grow fond with. I like taking new activities, going to new places, reading new books, met new friends. It will be too overwhelmed sometimes we need to pull up the sheets again, but we introverts do love people that have a big warm heart.

Well, I think it’s a bit too much isn’t it? Readers, here it is some of CUTE CARTOON (worth a click!!) to understand us even more. Are you an introvert too? Tell me how is it like from your point of view! Till we meet again!


Friday, July 6, 2018


via Netral English

Sebuah kebanggaan dan kehormatan tersendiri melihat Negara ini, Negara Indonesia dipercaya untuk menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 dari tanggal 18 Agustus – 2 September. Percik-percik semangat di dalam hati rakyat sudah tumbuh, lantaran sukacita Negaranya menjadi Tuan Rumah. Berarti, Negara ini dipercaya penuh oleh Olympic Council of Asia sanggup mempersiapkan segalanya dengan baik. Diberi tanggung jawab dan dilimpahkan ‘kekuasaan’ untuk membuat segalanya menjadi lebih baik. Bagaimana tidak? Hampir 2 tahun pemerintah DKI Jakarta merenovasi 14 venue GBK serta mempersiapkan kota Palembang, agar memenuhi standar kompetisi 4 tahunan tersebut. Memperbaiki jalan-jalan yang akan dilalui oleh arak-arak Obor Asian Games, jalur-jalur yang akan dilalui oleh 15000 delegasi dari Negara-Negara tetangga, termasuk pengadaan Bandara Terminal 3 yang wow itu. Semua harus dikerjakan dengan hati yang sukacita, dengan cinta kasih, agar Negara Indonesia ini tidak malu-maluin di mata para 45 Negara kompetitornya! Istilahnya, dulu harap-harap, setelah dikasi kesempatan, AYO! BERANI MENERIMA! BERANI MEWUJUDKAN! Sudah berani bermimpi, berarti berani menggapainya! Berani menerima resikonya, dan HARUS bersama-sama mendukungnya.

 via Nusantara TV

INASGOC juga sudah bekerja sepenuh hati. Terlihat dari sayembara logo dan mascot untuk ASIAN GAMES 2018 yang akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Studio Grafis FEAT STUDIO sampai akhirnya rampung dipilih oleh Bapak Presiden Jokowi dan diterapkan ke dalam media-media untuk iklan. Logo Asian Games tahun ini mengambil referensi sketsa tampak atas SUGBK dengan tambahan simbol Matahari di tengahnya. Maksudnya adalah, memancarkan sumber Energi utama (Matahari) dan menyebar melalui delapan jalur keseluruh Asia dan dunia. Wow, sungguh suatu konsep yang amat dipikirkan dengan matang. Ditambah dengan ketiga maskot lucu-lucu yakni Bhin-Bhin (Burung Cendrawasih) yang mewakili ‘strategi’, Atung (Rusa Bawean) yang mewakili ‘ketangkasan dan kecepatan’ serta Kaka (Badak Cula Satu) yang mewakili ‘kekuatan’. Mereka bertiga ini sekaligus menggambarkan kekayaan budaya Indonesia yang dapat kita lihat melalui pakaian yang mereka kenakan. Jika kita telaah lebih lanjut, tentu saja ketiga sifat yang diwakilkan adalah salah (tiga) hal yang harus dimiliki seorang atlet, strategi untuk menang, ketangkasan saat berlaga, dan kekuatan yang dibutuhkan selama kompetisi berlangsung. Wah, benar-benar hebat sekali.

via egrafis

Saya juga sempat tercengang dengan segarnya ide-ide INASGOC dan Tim Kreatif. Saya ingat, hari itu menunggu Transjakarta yang tak kunjung datang. Di setiap Halte Transjakarta dipasang TV kecil untuk mengisi waktu yang membosankan, dan ada segelintir iklan-iklan yang ditampilkan. Saya selalu acuh tak acuh. Tapi hari itu, saking bosannya, saya coba iseng-iseng nonton. Dan ada video tentang cabang-cabang olahraga yang ada di Asian Games kali ini. Dari 40 cabang OR, ditampilkan sekitar 4/5 yakni Basket, Angkat Beban, BMX, Tenis Meja, dan Renang. Semuanya penuh humor, tidak kaku jalan ceritanya, dan yang pasti pemain utamanya adalah Maskot kecintaan kita yang namanya merupakan penggalan dari BHINneka TUNGgal IKA (Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu). Ya, satu lagi Wow untuk tim. Tidak hanya itu, media-media lain yang digunakan ada stiker yang ditempelkan di armada Transjakarta, di Halte Transjakarta, spanduk-spanduk, Baliho, Umbul-umbul, bahkan di mobil Pertamina sekalipun! Semangat menyambut Asian Games 2018 sungguh terasa dimana-mana.

dari berbagai sumber (antara news, Liputan 6.com, ...)

Dan satu lagi, yang buat saya tercengang, ternyata ada loh ditulis buku tentang infografis-infografis Asian Games yang sudah lewat, dengan judul ENERGI ASIA yang bisa kalian dapatkan di www.indonesiabaik.id keren banget yah!

Lantas, apa yang dapat kita, anak muda dapat lakukan untuk mendukung Asian Games 2018? Mendukung atlet-atlet kita yang sudah bertahun-tahun bekerja keras, demi mengharumkan nama bangsa? Merekalah salah satu pion utama kita, untuk membawa nama harum bagi Negeri ini. Mereka berjuang mati-matian setiap hari, cedera sana sini, rela punya waktu sedikit untuk keluarga karena harus tinggal di lapangan untuk berlatih. Kita harus berusaha sebaik mungkin, mendukung agar omongan-omongan negatif tentang Negara ini menjadi omongan “Woah, I can’t believe Indonesia could be like this!” “Woah, Indonesia is more developed now!” dari sahabat-sahabat se-ASIA kita.

  1. Kalian punya Ponsel pintar? Ya pasti. Yuk, bantu sebarkan semangat Asian Games di social media kita. #Dukungbersama Asian Games 2018!! Masa di Negara sendiri, tetapi supporter lebih antusias dari Negara tetangga sih? Malu ah! Nah, apalagi yang Selebgram-selebgram wanna be, bisa banget nih ikutan kompetisi online di www.dukungbersama.id (Kompetisi Foto/Video/Blog) yuk! Salurkan kreatifitas kalian agar dilihat dunia!
  2. Sisihkan sedikit dari uang jajan kalian setiap hari, supaya bisa ikut mendukung atlet kita di laga pertandingan. Saya yakin, semua orang membutuhkan dukungan moral selain materi. Dukungan moral lebih penting dari apapun. Dengan adanya kita yang semangat memberi yel-yel dan dorongan-dorongan “IN.DO.NE.SIA! IN.DO.NE.SIA!” Atlet-atlet walau sudah lelah, bisa semangat lagi, karena mereka tahu kita mendukungnya, kita ada disana. Coba kita berpikir, apa rasanya jika berjuang tanpa ada seseorang yang hadir? Sedih sekali bukan? Dengan adanya kita disana, para atlet pasti senang, pasti sukacita, karena mereka tahu ada banyak pendukung-pendukung tulus yang mendampingi. Jangan lupa untuk ikut Opening dan Closing Ceremony juga yah >< Dan masa kalian gak penasaran sih sebagus apa Stadion GBK sekarang?
  3. Yuk jaga kebersihan kota kita. Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Harus ingat menjaga kebersihan setelah menonton dan tangannya jangan iseng ah coret-coret. Ini merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak mencerminkan Energi baik dari Indonesia. Yuk nonton dengan rapi, aman, penuh sukacita dan sportif. Ingat, ini Negara sendiri, jangan sampai kita malu-maluin! Pancarkan #Indonesiabaik !!
  4. Yuk  bersama dukung pemerintah Indonesia dalam menyukseskan acara ini dengan membeli merchandise-merchandise unik yang telah dibuat. Kalian bisa menemukan stand Asian games di mall-mall kesayangan kalian J
  5. Jomblo? Gak jaman galau, kenalan dong dengan supporter-suporter di kanan kiri, siapa tahu jodohnya dengan yang berasal dari Negara Tetangga!

via viva.co.id

Trivia :

Palembang dianggap menjadi salah satu kota yang berhasil menyiapkan dirinya untuk beberapa acara pertandingan bertaraf internasional seperti Sea Games, Asean University Games, dll. Selain itu, Palembang juga sudah memiliki tempat pertandingan bertaraf Internasional.

Keren banget gak sih? Bahwa ini merupakan Asian Games yang ke – 18! Yang jatuh di tahun 2018, dan diadakan tanggal 18-08-2018! Wahh, bagus banget yah tanggalnya? Kalau di Budaya suatu suku, angka 8 ini merupakan angka baik. Dan pas banget, yang jadi Tuan Rumahnya adalah Indonesia!

Jadi, temen-temen sekalian, sudah siapkah kita menjadi Tuan Rumah yang baik bagi 15000 ++ tamu terhormat kita? Pantaskan diri dan Pantaskan Indonesia yuk. Kita dukung bersama Asian Games 2018 agar sukses J


Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Hello there, wassup? How's life lately?
Hope it's good for you.

We all know that everybody loves loves loves travelling a lot. But the most important thing is, what did you get from all of your travels? Did you make a time for yourself to re-thinking, reflect and refresh your life? Did it make you become a better person? I believe that every different countries, brings you a different experiences and lessons. It's us that responsible to be a lil bit aware of how the culture affect your life. So, here's my 8 top lessons I got.


Yeup, this is my 4th trips and I always rush my itinerary. It was not fun at all. I always thought, this is my 'first and the last' trip, so I need to see all of the city's attractions might offer. And yeah, everything is super tight and we got sore legs, and never enjoy them up to its details because I need to go here and there and time is ticking above us! Instead, just believe that we always have a second time or third time or fourth time coming back to the same destination, as long as we live and work harder not to forget, save harder and harder.


Means that we can be a little bit like the locals. Let's see how the locals walk, doing things, is it in a rush? or a lil bit laid back? Just enjoy the pace. 


We're in a foreign country, that also has a lot of strict rules to follow. Always lookup to some public reminders so we don't accidentally got into some troubles. And that's how a smart traveler always to do! Unless, you want to be look like a dumb people in someone's country.


via elite daily

Locals know errthing that maps and Google doesn't know. Well, sometimes. But, it's never a bad choice to ask one of them. It's more efficient and fastest way to find what you need. And also when the country doesn't WI-FI friendly ;)


via moroccotravelblog

Keep your backpack,fannypack or knapsack or whatever you bring to stuff your important things while you're strolling around, near your heart. While you're not in the top safest country in the world. Who wants their knick knacks to be stolen by someone? Like passport, tickets, or your money. I never take my phone as my important thing, but my money instead. Without money or wallet, I can't bought a new phone! But without a phone, I could ask someone to lend his/her for me ;) Well, phone is an important thing, but it's not as a passport or wallet.


Maybe I got some issue on bringing stuffs. I always thought I need everything on my bag! So everything must be there. And dang! I got sore back and the day was rough because it's too heavy for me. I can't seem to bring a really really really important ones. So I keep putting in this and that. Just in case. But trust me, it ain't good for the trip. You got tired easily and the pain may cause you lack of mood.


Well, at least abroad. Yes, instead of telling you some tips (I can't because I don't have one yet), I told myself to not bring kids under 10yso to travel abroad. See these things : You're travelling abroad with kids that merely want to walk a hundred KMs (instead you're SUPER RICH, then I'm out, you could rent a car or something, so your lil one doesn't have to land their feet on.) , they really don't remember every inch of the moments because they need to sleep! It is so chaos, cause you need to take a break for some feeding time, or opening up a stroller here and there when you took off the public transportations, or calming them from that wicked tantrum because the place is too crowd, packed, or too hot or too cold. 

Just take them to your best local tourism spots, you can control em easily at least it is still near your house tho, and you can bring your transportation with you. Do not need to pack everythings up. Just grab that nanny's bag.

But, the best part is, you don't need to bought a ticket for your under 10yso kids ;) Okay, no offense. For some parents that really well prepared and willing to take them, I'm so proud you can handle them :) It's a tough job tho, I really need to appreciate them.


Back to number 1 tips. DO NOT RUSH EVERYTHING. But be cautious to always look up to the sky. Tho it's still under the same sky, it sure a different side. It may be more beautiful, or worst ;)  Do not be like me, I realized I never look above when I'm in Singapore back then. Busy with the maps and traffic and itinerary until i forget to have a glimpse of it. Does it pretty? Does it has a lot of stars? Oh,, just regrets that comes along.

At the end, these are my top lessons. What's yours? Share with me!
Until next time!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


May, 8th 2018
10:27 pm

Hello, there. No I'm not changing my blog into some beauty blog. But, consider it as a daily JOURNAL of me. As I named this blog. Just adding some topics here, when I'm not going anywhere, and don't have anything to report to you guys. Is that okay? Please say yes :)

*Disclaimer : it all depends on one's skin. Not all of this product suits your skin well. It's just a review from me (oily combination skin) and this article may become your consideration choosing a skincare. Please do a thorough research as this article don't discuss any of the ingredients.


1. The Ordinary
Well, this one is my only high end skincare ;) My friend introduced me to this and sold his preloved. Because my skin was so textured, he told me to try chemical peeling. I used HadaLabo AHA/BHA also. This one works pretty well, my big bumps turned into small bumps, and didn't make any major purging towards my oily combination skin. They said, you only need to apply once in the PM hour and DO NOT FORGET to apply sunscreen in the morning. Because peeling makes your skin pretty sensitive to the sun the day after you used.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar with 'The Mother' or Unfiltered
This one I used to treats small bumps, smaller my pores and brighten up your skin. You need to find an unfiltered one, yes the one that still has the lees (ampas) inside. People usually bought Bragg. 

** My skin looks better now, tho it has still small bumps and can't be the one with the porcelain skin. I don't know, someone said to me once that my ancestors did bring the genes. Well, okay. At least, my skin is now better than before with these two. 


1. Studio Tropik Original Priming Water
It's originally a priming before you do makeup. But, sometimes I do spray it on my face after bath ;D because it smell so good and relaxing. Yeah, it has rose water in its ingredients. I think I need  to try using this as a prime some day.

2. Unbranded Aloe Vera Extract
REALLY WORKS DAMN WELL ON MY SKIN. Okay, my skin is oily combination and it was dry before like really. Textured, and unhealthy. Then, my sis bought this and told me to use it every nite before bed. And now my skin feels soooooo sooooffft even it has small bumps. Oh God, this is my holy grail!

1. Innisfree Sun Cream SPF 50+
I also bought this out of nowhere, because my co-worker pressured me to buy SUNSCREEN if I don't want my skin breakout. Sunscreen is really important my fella, global warming made the atmosphere broken and UV rays sneaks more than before. I never use Innisfree skincare before and this one really such a gambling for me, as it costs $19 / Rp. 198.000,- either my skin into it, or not into it. BUT! Thank God, my skin love love love it sooo much. It caused purging once and twice, but all went well until now. 

2. Garnier Micelar Water 
Yes, after I met my co-workers, I decided I have to double the face cleaning job. Yeah, double cleansing! So, that kind-hearted guy gave me his preloved Garnier Micelar water for me to try. It does work well on my skin, no purging, non comedogenic, or acnes pops out.  I also try Ponds (works well too) and now I'm trying this Garnier Micelar Water with Oil. But unfortunately those with fragrance sensitive skin, can't buy this, cause it has that ingredient.


1. Vaseline Skin Therapy
I personally do not like this for my dry chapped lips. My sister once running a skin care business and made a lipbalm using beeswax and those are my lips' happy days. And from that moment, I became a lipbalm junkie. I can't live without lipbalm. But this Vaseline, can't do better than my sis'. Maybe because it isn't a lip therapy but a repairing jelly for dry skin that can be used also for lips. I don't know. But, I already bought it, i used it every night and day just to prevent my lips from being dry. Articles said that it may be the petroleum jelly. 

2. Acnes Acne cares and Etude Hand Cream
For Acnes, my skin get along well with this brand. I use their Acne Soap to cure my teenage damn acnes and the spot healing acnes cares also. For the Etude hand cream, I got two and I rarely use it. So sorry eventhough my hands are rough! ckckckck.

Okay guys~ Here's the end of my skincare routine diaries. Hope you all love it and us girls, really need to treat our skin most of it, facial skin well. Who doesn't scare of getting old? So, let's invest! See you!


Thursday, May 3, 2018


May, 3rd 2018
8:41 pm

Hello! It's been 2 months since my trip to Singapore. A country that grants all my dream about how I want to live in a city. To compare to where I am now, it's far far far more developed and independent. Cleanliness, computerized systems, healthy air condition, well-mannered & educated citizens, good political & laws, integrated public transportation. I know there are also some lack of this country, like they got pretty harsh working time, highly competitive behavior and others that I don't know since I'm not the citizen of Singapore ;) But, i would love to try to be one of them, if only I have a chance.

Till we meet again!


Sunday, April 29, 2018


April, 29th 2018

Hello! Sudah lama banget tidak berjumpa di jurnal :)
Apa kabarnya kalian?

Bulan Maret yang lalu, aku penasaran banget mau nyobain kereta Bandara itu. Kereta Bandara ini dikelola oleh PT. Railink (perusahaan swasta dibawah PT. Kereta Api Indonesia) dan memiliki jalur SHIA (Soekarno Hatta International Airport) sampai ke MRI (Bekasi) juga loh. Nah, untuk pembelian tiketnya bisa melalui online reservation H-30 sampai H-1 keberangkatan. Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan kartu debit/kredit berlogo Visa, atau BNI atau Mandiri jika kalian mau beli on the spot. Selain itu, KA Bandara hanya memiliki 3 stasiun utama untuk naik dan turun penumpang, jadi kalian tidak bisa sembarangan berhenti sembarangan seperti naik KRL yang memiliki hampir puluhan stasiun yah. Stasiunnya adalah Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Batuceper dan BNI City.

Saya coba naik dari Stasiun Batuceper karena rumah saya dekat dari sana, dan stasiun ini belum 100% jadi dimana orang-orang bisa 'berekreasi' dan belum terlalu nyaman. Karena belum ber-AC, belum ada toko-toko makanan, dsb. Tetapi sudah dapat dipakai dengan baik dan layak untuk turun dan naik penumpang. Untuk 2 stasiun lain, sudah sangat layak. WC nya rapi, bersih, sudah ada tempat makan, tempat duduk santai sambil menunggu jadwal keberangkatan, sudah ada petunjuk arah, dilengkapi dengan elevator, dsb.

Untuk di dalam keretanya sendiri pun sangat nyaman. Saya harap semoga ini bisa dijaga terus sampai ke depannya. Karena ini salah satu aset yang sangat baik bagi kemajuan di Indonesia (Jakarta sementara ini). Dilengkapi dengan toilet dan tempat untuk meletakkan koper, kursi tempat duduk yang nyaman. Tapi satu yang disayangkan, karena tidak terlihat ada peta ataupun display rute. Jadi, kita benar-benar diajarkan untuk mandiri dan berjaga-jaga, harus memulai paradigma negara maju :)

Satu yang ketinggalan dan tak kalah penting. Harga tiket! Heheheh, kalau weekend, 50% dari weekdays. Untuk weekdays 1. Bandara - Batu Ceper (Rp. 35.000) 2. Batu Ceper - BNI City (Rp. 35.000) 3. Bandara - BNI City (Rp. 70.000)

Sebagai penutup, mari kita lihat-lihat fotonya.

Stasiun BNI CITY

Stasiun BNI CITY

Stasiun Bandara SHIA  

Stasiun Bandara SHIA 


Thursday, March 8, 2018


YES! Finally my disposable camera films all developed at Rawa Lab & it took about 1 week. Well, maybe they got a lot of waiting lists. It turned out a bit blurry, i don't know if it's the film or.... ?
I used the kit film (Fujicolor Superia ISO 400) from the dispose cam, cause when I found my dad's old vintage cam, they sold the battery pretty much expensive, so I ddn't decide to take it with me. Cause I already spent too much on this journey ;P 

This is my first time using a camera film, without live view, without preview button. Oh man, it's hard to cooped up. And I'm sorry if the picture doesn't worth your eyes to see ;) , I'm putting a lot of effort to it, but I also thought I ddn't take good picts tho. Hiks. Maybe, I'll try some time later with the vintage cam. 

Okay, without further a do let's get into it! 


See ya later!



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