Sunday, March 16, 2014

[UNILIFE] Semester 4 di UMN

Hey, yeah there!

Apa kabar, para anak SMA 3 nih?

Mau nge-post soal semester 4 :) Akhirnya, bisa melewati semester 3 dengan berbagai macam menggambar manualnya itu. hehehe
Masuk juga akhirnya ke semester 4, yang dimana gue tinggal 2 tahun lagi kuliah (AMIN!) semoga aja, semuanya lancar ya.
Termasuk persiapan kematangan pikiran mau TA apa nanti (terlalu jauh sekali pemikirannya). BACK TO TOPIC!

Jadi, di semester 4 ini, gue belajar :

1. Advanced Font Design
2. BI (MKU alias Mata Kuliah Umum/Wajib)
3. Digital Publishing 3
4. Callygraphy (ini elektif, ada 2D, Video, callygraphy sama interior exterior)
5. Pre-Press & Printnig Process
6. Web Design
7. 3D Modelling
8. PKN (MKU)

1. Pelajarin grid system alias peletakkan yang baik di majalah dll. Terus penerapan fonttype yang baik gimana :)
2. Tau sendiri lah, tapi disini, lebih dalem lagi. Lebih ngebahas detail kesantunan kalimat, ejaan, tanda baca,
sama buat perbekalan skripsi dll
3. Belajar bikin packaging design, terus arah2 jalan (wayfinding), majalah, dkk
4. Belajar nulis kaligrafi pake pen tinta celup :)
5. Belajar tentang printing process gimana, perhitungan2 per nyetak berapa, ada matematikanya juga lohh
6. Belajar bikin web, pake coding2 gitu.. Tenang, gak separah anak2 IT :)
Kita pake Adobe Dreamweaver, jadi bisa langsungan codingnya, tinggal klik klik udah keluar..
7. 3D modelling, bikin 3D desain .. Tenang, diajarin dari awal kok. Kalau buat anak DG lebih ke arah
8. tau sendiri juga deh ya :)

So, see you guys! UANnya yang semangat ya!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

[TRIP] Focus Nusantara Exhibition 2014

Hi, guys!

This is a schedule post :) Because, maybe I'll be back to my current life as a busy student. I supposed to
do my assignment for tomorrow, but ...

So, I went to photography exhibition last Saturday, actually me and my friends attended the Fashion On Stage
competition held by Canon Indonesia :) It was fun to get a new experience! I'm not good at shooting peoples or models,
so yeah, I'm sorry! Hahahah :)
There's so much stands and booths there! By the way, I 'taste' 400mm bazooka tele lens by Canon!
 Oh, the venue was at JCC. I went there by Transjakarta APTB from Kalideres to S.Parman Taman Anggrek.
Then, having a transit there, to RS. Harapan Kita, Slipi, Slipi Petamburan, Senayan JCC. You have to take
the downstair, cause the venue was at your left side. After you walk downstair, keep walking forward, and
find the green door :) You're already there!
See you in the next post!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

[ER] Focus Photography Exhibition & Mega Bazaar Consumer 2014

So, for this, sorry! I'll post in Bahasa .. Too complicated if in English . hahahah!

Pameran Focus Nusantara tahun 2014 diadakan dari tanggal 5-9 Maret di JCC, dibarengi dengan Mega Bazaar Consumer 2014.
Pameran ini, bertolak belakang tetapi sama dalam hal latar belakang, yaitu perangkat canggih (gadget)
dimana Focus lebih memfokuskan diri ke fotografi sedangkan Mega Bazaar lebih ke arah komputer dan ponsel pintar.
Selain pameran foto dari Scuba Diver, PIArt School, Darwis Triadi school of Photography dan LaSalle College Jakarta.
Focus mengadakan beberapa acara lomba dan workshop-workshop dengan tema terkemuka di dalamnya.
Tidak kalah, Canon juga ikut-ikutan menggelar ajang lomba tahunan yaitu Fashion On Stage bersama
Chip FotoVideo (CFVD) yang ke-10,sebagaimana diikuti oleh ratusan fotografer dari beberapa daerah mulai dari muda hingga dewasa.
Ada begitu banyak vendor-vendor fotografi yang menjadi ekshibitor dalam acara besar ini, beberapa diantaranya Olympus, Canon, Nikon, Sony, Tamron, MLMfoto, YongNuo, dll. Tidak mau membuat rugi para pengunjung yang telah membayar tiket masuk yang cukup murah ini (hari biasa : 10.000 & akhir pekan : 15.000),
beberapa vendor fotografi menyediakan model yang dapat langsung difoto di tempat tanpa harus membayar lebih lagi.

Disamping itu, ada Mega Bazaar Consumer 2014, yang memamerkan segala ponsel pintar dan komputer-
komputer canggih jaman sekarang. Semuanya saling berlomba dalam memberikan harga paling fantastis
kepada para konsumen. Diantaranya, Oppo, LG, Samsung, Blackberry, Erafone, Logitech, Asus, Axioo, dll.
Adapula, clearance sale hingga 90% yang membuat para konsumen begitu tertarik datang ke acara ini.
Diskon besar-besaran membuat konsumen menjadi semakin konsumerisme.
Biar bagaimanapun, acara ini cuma setahun sekali, kapan lagi, mungkin begitu menurut mereka.


an illegal journalist :p


Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's Easy to Find Enemies, But It's Hard to Find Good Friends

(supposed to be published on Thursday nite -___-)
Yeay! Thursday nite! I love it because tomorrow I have no classes, only from Monday to Thursday :)

Enemies are so easy to find everywhere, but good friends are hard to find. We have to know them for a long time so we can decide which one we most comfortable with or not. I'm so grateful that, I really have a lot good friends now :) Some of my senior high school's guys were take the uni far away from me. So, we just meet up at long holiday! It feels so good when you finally can meet up with them again, nostalgic.

Today, after class was over, me and Achel decided to stop by the mall while waiting for my lil sis came home too.. I wanna taste Bobabits Balls :) ahahhaha .. So, yeah we went there after bought some things.
Bobbabits was originally selling bubble tea, then it had an upgrading. So, there's balls bowl, and some snacks too. It has a cute design. The seat was cutely designed which is like a trolley or upside down sackbag :D So sorry that the photos are not too detail. I already prepared to take the photos, but, when I went there, urrrgh! cloudy outside, peoples! Grrrr ... So, I just sit there, talks about anything with Achel then, went home :) what a nice getaway then!

this is chewy Azuki :) 

have a nice friday nite!



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