Sunday, December 30, 2012

DKV-UMN presents

Hello, bloggers :)

Hari ini , saya akan post tentang acara yang diadakan UMN berbulan-bulan lalu.
Baru sempet masukin foto2nya ke blog, sori banget .
jadi ada 2 acara, 1 : Halloween Party , 2 : ULTIGRAPH 2.0

Halloween party itu, DKV UMN adain acara halloween pastinya, ada cosplay, ada mengundang band, ada makan-makannya juga :) Kemaren, UMN mengundang White Shoes and The Couples Company yang sayangnya, gue gak bisa liat karena udah kemaleman dan harus pulang karena rumah gue di Jakarta :'(
(*dan foto2 yang dihasilkan kurang pantas ya kayaknya , maapkan -____- karena, kamera dibawa papa ke acara ret2)

well, they're my friends :)

my friend (right one)

abis itu, bulan kemaren, DKV UMN ngadain ULTIGRAPH .. ULTIGRAPH ini adalah acara tahunan DKV dimana anak2 DKV UMN mamerin karya2 mereka :)
(*sorri, fotonya juga kurang pantas)

semoga bermanfaat :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Hello bloggers :)

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart, be light"

Happy Christmas Eve for everyone who celebrate it :) 
Let THANK God that we still celebrate this 2012 Christmas and hope will be survived until 2013 Christmas and on . 
Have a bless everyone (JOY,HEALTH,WEALTH,etc) 
May all of you have a nice one in the upcoming year and a longlast relationship :)
May all of you always success and be a better person in the future . 

Isaiah 9:6
 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 


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